英文美句摘抄唯美,The Sog of he Sea


Ehereal Momes: A Tapesry of Poeic Beauy
Eglish Quoes, aure Poery

Like a gele caress upo he ski, hese ehereal quoes weave a apesry of beauy, rasporig us o realms where words dace ad emoios soar. Immerse yourself i he wiligh of aure's embrace ad le he whispers of poery guide your soul.

The Sog of he Sea

aure Poery, Ispiraioal Quoes

"The sea is a vas expase, srechig beyod he horizo; is waves crash upo he shore wih a rhyhm as old as ime iself." - Hery Wadsworh Logfellow

aure's Symphoy

Poeic Imagery, Romaic Quoes

"Ad aure, he old urse, ook he child Upo her kee, Sayig: 'Here is a sorybook Thy Faher hah wri for hee.'" - Ruper Brooke

The Dace of he Sars

Celesial Woders, Meaphors

"The sars are like diamods scaered upo he velve cavas of he igh." - Kahlil Gibra

The Whispers of he Wid

Traquiliy, Sereiy

"The wid sigs a gele melody, like a lullaby from he heaves, whisperig secres oly he rees ca udersad." - J.R.R. Tolkie

The Embrace of Daw

Hope, Reewal

"Daw is he promise of a ew begiig, a fresh sar where dreams ake fligh." - Aoymous

The Fire Wihi

Passio, Iesiy

"The fire wihi me burs wih a passio ha cosumes all else." - Emily Dickiso

The Cavas of he Soul

Irospecio, Imagiaio

"The soul is a cavas upo which he brush of experiece pais he maserpiece of our lives." - Hery David Thoreau

The Dace of Time

Moraliy, Reflecios

"Time is a river ha flows ever oward, carryig us away from he pas ad io he ukow." - Marcus Aurelius

标签: heQuoesupo



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